The Georgia School-Based Health Alliance successfully convened its first statewide conference on May 11, 2018 at Emory University’s School of Medicine Albert Steiner Building Auditorium in downtown Atlanta.
Remarks about the first statewide conference from the GASBHA President, Veda Johnson, MD:
“Our inaugural state-wide school-based health center conference was a wonderful success. Representatives from most of the SBHCs throughout the state, along with representatives from school systems, school nurses, philanthropic organizations, state agencies, community organizations, Medicaid managed care organizations, pediatric residents and attendings, and state government were in attendance. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, PhD, key note speaker, was outstanding. Inspiring and informative, he increased our resolve to work towards equity in the lives of the children we serve. The other speakers were equally as informative and inspiring. Thanks to the Partners for Equity in Child and Adolescent Health staff- Ruth Ellis, Portia Frederick, Katilia Harden, Valerie Hutcherson, Carolyn Aidman, and Faythe Edmunds for their incredible efforts in bringing the conference to fruition. I hope that everyone is looking forward to next year when we can once again come together to share and uplift one another in this important work!”
Feedback from participants about the statewide conference:
· “Excellent Conference! This is one of the best conferences I ever attended and I attend a lot of conferences.”
· “Very interesting and relevant info! I know anyone who works with children will have lost more in their “tool kid” after today.”
· Regarding our keynote speaker – “Awesome presenter.” “Excellent, thought provoking and informative.”
· “I feel the Conference was great. The speakers were very knowledgeable about the subject.”
· Regarding the ACES and Trauma Informed Care panel – “Beyond excellent.”
· “Very well done – the information motivates me to do more.”
· “Topics were very interesting and relevant.”